April 2022 Minutes EOM

PRESENT: Councillors:- D. Cowling, N. Francis, J.Pinney, W. Pinney, D. Servat, C. Wilson
Also in attendance: -
Mrs. A. Hannath – Clerk to the Council
Cllr. P. Morris – WLDC
2 members of the public
130 Notice convening the meeting.
Noted and approved
131 To Receive Apologies and Reasons for Absence
Cllr. B. Orr, Cllr. J. Pinney and Cllr. C. Wilson
a) To Record any Declarations of Interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the Agenda Item and the type of interest being declared.
Councillors W. Pinney declared a prejudicial interest in Item 133, Planning Application 144667 of the agenda.
b) To Note any Dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the Agenda Items listed below.
Members are reminded that applications can be received after the deadline for the publication of the agenda. The clerk will forward any further applications to you before the meeting for your consideration.
Having declared a prejudicial interest in the next planning application, Councillors W. Pinney left the meeting.
Reference: 144667
Planning application for proposed two storey side and single storey rear extensions following removal of outbuilding
8 Smithy Lane, Bigby
Standing orders were suspended to allow members of the public to speak about the proposed development.
Miss Greensmith, of 7 Smithy Lane, advised that she had no objections to this application.
Standing orders were reinstated to record the decision.
It was resolved that the above planning application be supported
Proposed: Cllr.D. Cowling Seconded:Cllr. D. Servat
Councillors W. Pinney returned to the meeting.
Reference: 144603
Planning application for conversion of crew yard buildings to 3no. dwellings
Land adjacent Kettleby House, Kettleby Lane, Kettelby
Reference: 144722
Listed building consent for conversion of crew yard building to 3no. dwellings
Land adjacent Kettleby House, Kettleby Lane, Kettleby
Reference: 144691
Planning application for removal of existing retail marquee and construction of two storey extension to the front to create additional retail floorspace and a café, including reconfiguration of part of existing car park. Brigg Garden Centre
It was resolved that the above planning application be supported, but a concern should be raised regarding the speed limit on this stretch of the A1084. The development is likely to increase footfall and, hence, the number of cars visiting the garden centre. The Parish Council would like consideration to be given, once again, to decreasing the speed limit to 30 mph from the garden centre to the Brigg boundary, where there is already a 30 mph speed limit in place. This would aid traffic leaving the garden centre, especially those cars that are making a right turn at the exit
Proposed: Cllr.D. Cowling Seconded:Cllr. D. Servat
a) To receive the Feasibility Study, to discuss its implications and determine the next steps.
Councillor D. Cowling outlined the key findings of the study:-
• Direct use of any electricity generated by solar panels is difficult due to the lack of infrastructure available to take it to local homes or to feed it into the National Grid
• One suggested use is to use private power cables to direct the electricity to big business users, eg, Humberside Airport, Brigg Garden Centre, The proposed lorry park at Barnetby Top and the new Network Rail development in Barnetby.
• Alternatively, the electricity generated can be used for glasshouses, production of hydrogen
• The study lists the above suggestions as short, medium and long term aims
• There is also the possibility of taping into the geothermal energy
Councillor Cowling also advised that the Working Party are very keen to see a benefit for residents of the parish. Bigby All Saints Church could be a beneficiary of some of the profits generated, along with the Village Hall. A car park could be built to accommodate visitors to the village and could also house charging points for electric cars.
The next step is to have a meeting of all interested parties.
b) To determine the format of the presentation to the residents of the Feasibility Study.
It was resolved that a presentation of the findings take place on the afternoon and evening of the 9th/10th June, 2022. All residents will be invited to attend via the Spring / Summer newsletter, along with all other interested parties, namely ARUP, Humberside Airport, East Midlands Energy Hub, Brigg Garden Centre.
Refreshments will be served.
Proposed: Cllr. D. Cowling Seconded:W. Pinney
a) To note that the Council is in receipt of £700.00 from the WLDC Platinum Jubilee Fund.
b) To consider and determine how to implement the initiatives pledged in the funding bid to support the Queen’s Green Canopy.
The Clerk advised that large planters to be placed around the village would cost approximately £150.00 including soil to be provided by JB Rural Services. (The Clerk provided xamples of similar types available on the internet for comparison.) These can be planted up initially with summer annuals and then bulbs for next spring. Number of planters required to be assessed - maximum 5.
Leaflet dispensers for the walking routes will cost about £20.00. Number required to be assessed.
The purchase of up to 70 trees for residents’ gardens will be advertised again.
Councillors Cowling and Servat commented on the success of the VE Day celebratory picnic in residents’ own gardens. (Lockdown rules.) This led to the suggestion of a village picnic in the Village Hall orchard on Thursday 2nd June, 2022.
It was resolved that the suggestions above proceed in the run up to the Platinum Jubilee.
Proposed: Cllr. D. Servat Seconded: Cllr. D. Cowling
The meeting closed at 7.25 pm