April 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

PRESENT: Councillors – D. Cowling, C. Gandy, B. Orr, , C. Wilson
Also in attendance: -
Mrs. A. Hannath – Clerk to the Council
Cllr. Tom Smith – LLC
Cllr. P.Morris - WLDC
There were no members of the public in attendance
1. Welcome by the Chairman
Councillor D. Cowling opened the meeting and welcome the parishioners in attendance.
2. To Receive the Minutes of the 2022 Annual Parish Meeting
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd March, 2022, having been circulated should be taken as read and approved.
Proposed: D. Cowling Seconded: Cllr. C. Wilson
3. Matters arising from the Minutes
To be covered in the Chairman’s report
4. District and County Councillor Reports
Both Councillors were pleased to report that they enjoyed coming to the Bigby Parish Council meetings. They always receive a warm welcome and like the positive attitude of the council
Councillor Morris advised that he has been re-elected to represent the Kelsey Ward at WLDC. This allows him to resume his campaign to allow residents to use the recycling centre at Melton Ross. Also, that the Central Lincolnshire Plan has now been adopted
Councillor Smith advised that he is continuing to push for the source of the problems down Smithy Lane are investigated. There will be a site visit in the coming months.
5. Chairman’s Report
New Parish Councillor – Claire Gandy
WLDC – Peter Morris (re-elected unopposed)
LCC – Tom Smith
Thanks to:
Parish Councillors
Brenda – upkeep of little library
same £6500
WLDC + 3%
LCC + 2.99%
Bigby Church Council
Cllr Peter Morris: £250 towards new laptop & £500 towards new noticeboards
WLDC - £700.00 towards Jubilee celebrations
Drainage issues – continue to raise awareness of blocked sewers
Continue to lobby re: Smithy Lane has been placed on Lincs CC list for evaluation.
Public footpath accessibility is being monitored and any problems reported
Little Library continues to be well used
New planters
Continue to lobby for access to the Melton Ross Refuse facility. Cllr Peter Morris has launched a petition.
New noticeboards purchased.
New ‘pick up after your dog’ signs erected.
Additional dog poo bin to be installed at the entrance to the farm track/Main Street
Bus shelter: no appropriate site found.
Chafer bugs: Bigby Green sprayed with weedkiller, rotovated, reseeded and 2/3 Rowan Trees planted. The verge on Main Street treated with weedkiller and reseeded.
Events 2022-2023
Platinum jubilee celebration – Garden party in the orchard well attended.
Spa event
Football on the big screen
Christmas windows
Christmas buffet
Spring Ball, Dave Cross & band with Pie and Peas
Upcoming Events:
Coronation picnic in the orchard. Monday 8th May
Christmas windows
Christmas buffet
6. Open Forum
There was no discussion or questions asked as there were no members of the public present.
7. Presentation – Update on the Bigby Community Sustainability Energy Project
Councillor Wilson advised that the Parish Dissemination Meeting, that took place on 17th June 2022, was very well received with 30 people in attendance, many from local industries.
Since June 17th 2022, the following events/meetings have occurred.
Meetings with :
Centrica and Anthony Turnbull – Cable to Brigg Power?
Meeting with Leader of Brigg and N Lincs Council and Steve Knill of Barnetby Council re Green Brigg
Dissemination event at Caistor
Information shared with Midlands Energy Hub for national publication
Meeting with LALC and 30 Parish Clerks to share ideas
Continued contact with Anthony Turnbull who is still keen to progress new thinking and action on community development and green energy
There is also interest in using the energy from solar panels to produce hydrogen
NLC are interested in hot water that may be produced from geothermal enrergy
The meeting closed at 7.05 pm